TBC: Post Money Caps vs. Pre-money Caps (an explainer)
TBC: Post Money Caps vs. Pre-money Caps (an explainer)
<p id="">This is a fantastic episode covering one of the most important insights around fundraising</p><p></p>
Founders are often intimidated by some of the more complex fundraising concepts.
One of these is the concept of post-money cap SAFE.
Post-money cap SAFEs can get tricky for some founders, especially for first-timers.
In this episode, Jason dives a little deep into the dynamics of this concept, along with SAFEs in general, valuations, and how it all relates to the post-money cap SAFE.
Get your pens and prepare for this episode as we talk about specific examples and scenarios, concepts involved, and steps to take so you can better navigate your fundraising journey.
Oh, and this is only part 1. Make sure to tune in next week for the 2nd part on this topic!
If you're looking for more fundraising content, grab my weekly newsletter packed full of strategies and insights around how to raise money: fundedpod.com/newsletter
Episode Transcript
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