How Brian Raymond Raised $65 Million in Funding for Unstructured IO (Brian Raymond / Unstructured IO)

A lot of entrepreneurs take risks when they're young and have nothing to lose. For others, it's a different story. Maybe they found their dream job, started a family, bought a house, and then something happens that completely throws them off course. Today's guest was one of those people. After an unexpected situation, he decided to take a chance and start a company he saw an opportunity for back at his previous job in AI. It ended up being a good chance to take. Today we're speaking with Brian Raymond, first time founder and CEO of Unstructured IO, a company that's connecting enterprise data to LLMs. And we have to say... his story is wild. In 2 years, Brian's managed to raise $65 million dollars in venture capital across three rounds. The most recent of those being a $40M Series B led by Menlo Ventures. Brians journey into entrepreneurship was unique, but also one I think a lot of you listening will be able to relate to.

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Check out our latest chats with awesome founders.

TBC: How Do I handle Inbound Interest From VCs?

In this episode, we're tackling an important startup scenario: unexpected VC interest.

TBC: 5 Controversial Fundraising Ideas

In this episode of The Back Channel, we dive into five thought-provoking strategies to elevate your fundraising game while challenging existing advice.

How Brian Raymond Raised $65 Million in Funding for Unstructured IO (Brian Raymond / Unstructured IO)

A lot of entrepreneurs take risks when they're young and have nothing to lose. For others, it's a different story. Maybe they found their dream job, started a family, bought a house, and then something happens that completely throws them off course. Today's guest was one of those people. After an unexpected situation, he decided to take a chance and start a company he saw an opportunity for back at his previous job in AI. It ended up being a good chance to take. Today we're speaking with Brian Raymond, first time founder and CEO of Unstructured IO, a company that's connecting enterprise data to LLMs. And we have to say... his story is wild. In 2 years, Brian's managed to raise $65 million dollars in venture capital across three rounds. The most recent of those being a $40M Series B led by Menlo Ventures. Brians journey into entrepreneurship was unique, but also one I think a lot of you listening will be able to relate to.

TBC: Why Smart People Struggle With Fundraising

In this episode of The Backchannel, the focus is on why intelligent individuals often struggle with pitching to investors.

TBC: Answering Founders Questions About Pitch Decks

In this episode of The Backchannel, Jason answers 5 questions submitted by founders about pitch decks and pitching strategies.

How Analisa Goodin Raised Over $31 Million in Funding for Catch+Release (Analisa Goodin / Catch+Release)

When all you've ever known is running a bootstrapped startup... the world of venture capital can feel pretty intimidating. Bootstrapping a company is an extreme sport, and so is going down the path of venture capital - but each path is completely different from one another. You might have been able to build an amazing company that you believe can be huge (with the help of venture dollars), but without understanding how the game of venture capital actually works - you're at a huge disadvantage. Today's guest Analisa Goodin, founder and CEO of Catch+Release knew this and decided to be proactive about it. Way before she went out to raise her first of three successful rounds, she became a relentless networker which over time, led her to conversations with VCs getting her to learn the space. Clearly, something clicked because Catch+Release has now raised over $31M in venture capital. Listen to the full episode to hear more details on her most recent rounds as well as advice she has for up-and-coming founders looking to raise capital.

TBC: Understanding VC Signals

VC signals can be tricky. A lot of them are deeply intertwined with social dynamics and can change investor interest in a matter of seconds.

TBC: Answering Your Questions About Getting Passed On

Welcome back to The Backchannel! In this episode, we're trying out a new format where we dive into your burning questions about how founders should navigate investor passes.

The Story Behind Incognia's Pivot & How it Led Them to Raise $45.6M

When life throws you tough times, you only have two options: to give up or find a solution. Today's guest felt slightly differently when they ran into some truly unexpected situations... they decided there was actually only one option: find a solution and move forward. Our guest for this episode is André Ferraz, co-founder and CEO of Incognia, a fast growing leader in the online fraud prevention space. Over the past decade, Incognia has had its fair share of ups, downs and even pivots - ultimately leading them to find the PMF that landed them $45M in venture funding in under 3 years. André's story is wild and super inspiring, and we can't wait for you guys to hear it!

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